"I still remember when I was young—I was about four, five years old—I got into a fight," he said in Des Moines. "Came home bloody. My father sat me down—bloody, teary—he sat me down and said, 'Listen son, don't ever start a fight. I don't want to hear you're out there starting fights. But you never, ever walk away from a fight." More fight is John Edwards' prescription for America, and not just in the macro sense. "I want you to go out there tomorrow," he tells his audience, "and find that kid who kicked your butt and I want you to kick his butt. And then I want you to fight with everything you've got [for America]."Some people don't want to be the "peace" candidate.No word yet from Edwards on giving up his wealth to show his concern for the poor.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
John Edwards Promotes "Fighting"
Mother Jones reports on John Edwards: