Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wide gap shown in Mass. charitable giving

The Boston Globe reports that those who aren't rich in Massachusetts don't have much money left compared to other places:
Massachusetts families making less than $100,000 a year gave much less to charity than those with similar incomes in the rest of the country.

"The cost of living and tax rate in our state limits the philanthropic ability of middle- and low-income households, relative to their counterparts in other states," according to the report, titled "Geography and Giving: The Culture of Philanthropy in New England and the Nation."

The average percentage of income donated by Massachusetts households earning between $25,000 and $100,000 a year was 2.3. Bay State residents who earn less than $25,000 gave on average 2.8 percent, the 46th lowest mark in the country.

"It's not just housing, it's food, clothing, utilities, healthcare and all the rest," said John Havens , an author of the study. "It makes it very tough for the people on the bottom of the income scale. They are getting squeezed."
No word yet from modern day liberals on this one.