Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Filmmaker, health care activists promote 'Sicko' while demanding reforms in industry

The San Francisco Chronicle reports on Comrade Moore:
As Michael Moore stood on the west steps of the Capitol on Tuesday and led 1,000 activists in chanting "It's time for them to go" -- health insurance companies, that is -- he looked less like a Hollywood director promoting his new takedown of the health care industry and more like the frontman of a national political campaign.

That's because he is both.

In the days before Moore's film "Sicko" opens June 29 in 3,000 theaters nationwide, the director will be the centerpiece of a campaign that melds activism, policy, politics and Hollywood into a media force like no other widely released film. The campaign premiered Tuesday in Sacramento -- complete with nurses wearing red surgical scrubs and chanting "Hey-hey! Ho-ho! Private health care is sick-o!"
No word yet from Comrade Moore on New York state Medicaid fraud with all of its' efficient health care management.