Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sally Quinn's "Exhilaration" For Obama

Sally Quinn of the Washington Post reports:
Now, I am from Savannah, Ga. I had never in my life not noticed whether someone was black or white. I felt an overwhelming sense of exhilaration. It was possible, then, to see someone as just another person, regardless of color. I felt good about myself.

I was reminded of this the other day watching Barack Obama. I realized that when I look at him, I don't see a person of color. I see a really smart, appealing, thoughtful person. There is something about his manner that seems to demand that he be seen for who he is and not for what color he is.
You might want to read this one to understand the Establishment mindset.Here it is in print: racism.One wonders whether Sally Quinn can see a "person of color" who's "really smart, appealing, thoughtful person."