Monday, May 07, 2007

Computer to outwit Wall St traders

Business Times reports:
Way up in a New York skyscraper, inside the headquarters of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, Michael Kearns is trying to teach a computer to do something other machines can't: think like a Wall Street trader.

In his cubicle overlooking the trading floor, Kearns, 44, consults with Lehman Brothers traders as PhDs tap away at secret software. The programmes they're writing are designed to sift through billions of trades and spot subtle patterns in world markets.

Kearns, a computer scientist who has a doctorate from Harvard University, says the code is part of a dream he's been chasing for more than two decades: to imbue computers with artificial intelligence, or AI.

His vision of Wall Street conjures up science fiction fantasies of HAL 9000, the sentient computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey".