Monday, April 30, 2007

Woman Claims Chicago Cops and Cook County Sheriffs Brutally Beat Her Without Cause

CBS TV Chicago reports:
In the latest allegations of police brutality, a woman is accusing law enforcement officials of attacking her as she was crossing the street on the North Side.

She named four officers, charging that they assaulted her, verbally, and then physically.

The woman’s attorney on Monday showed photos taken after the alleged incident, and says the bruises and bloody face prove her story is true.

“I was merely crossing the street like any other day in my life,” said beating victim Dolores Robare.

But as CBS 2’s Derrick Blakely reports, Robare says that was all that was necessary to suffer a nasty beating with facial cuts and bruises and a broken nose at the hands of at least four cops.

“She got these grotesque injuries,” said Robare’s attorney, Lawrence Jackowiak. “It was all completely unjustified."
We wonder whether having only police in Chicago with a monopoly on guns is a good thing.