Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Homeschoolers Find University Doors Open

The AP reports:
David Sample wanted to attend the University of California at Riverside but thought it was a lost cause because he had been homeschooled.

The University of California system is known for being tough on nontraditionally schooled applicants. For them, the best ticket to UC has been transferring after taking community college classes or posting near-perfect scores on college entrance exams.

"For homeschoolers, it was basically a shut door for us because of the restrictions," Sample said.

Last fall, however, UC Riverside joined a growing number of colleges around the country that are revamping application policies to accommodate homeschooled students.

The change came just in time for the 18-year-old Sample to apply and get accepted with a substantial scholarship.

Under UC Riverside's new policy, homeschoolers can apply by submitting a lengthy portfolio detailing their studies and other educational experiences.

Sample's package showed he had studied chemistry, U.S. history and geometry, rewired a house and helped rebuild a medical clinic in Nicaragua.

The U.S. Department of Education reports that 1.1 million, or 2.2 percent of all students in the nation, are homeschooled.
The John Dewey model isn't for everyone.