Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Comrade Bernie Sanders Wants High Milk Prices

Burlington Free Press reports on a certain socialist Senator that doesn't mind high milk prices:
Without reform of the federal milk-pricing system, Vermont's dairy industry faces potential extinction, farmers at a makeshift dairy summit in South Burlington told the state's congressional delegation Tuesday.

"We've cut every corner we can cut," Marie Audet of Bridport told the delegation. "We've got to take a look at how the federal pricing of milk works, because it doesn't work."

Audet said farmers are being paid the same price for milk that they received 20 years ago while the cost of farming has increased. As a result, she said, it is almost impossible to make a profit, and farms at times have had to turn to the state for help to stay afloat.

"We appreciate so much that the state of Vermont has helped us, yet I don't think you'll meet one dairy farmer who is proud of that," she said. "We shouldn't have to rely on subsidies just to pay our bills."

Audet was among more than 200 farmers from Vermont and upstate New York who attended the Tuesday session, organized by a loose coalition of farmers and related dairy businesses over the past three months. Attendees were told that the previously unnamed group had christened itself Dairy Farmers Working Together.

The stated goal of the group is to have farmers in the region adopt a plan to address the milk-pricing problem and work with the state's congressional delegation to ensure that plan is included in the 2007 Farm Bill being written in Washington.

"We need to have the unified support of family farmers, in Vermont and all over America," Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told the gathering. "We've got a fight on our hands."
What good is the Sherman or Clayton acts when the biggest restrainers of trade our U.S. Senators?