Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Delay of Affirmative Action Ban Rejected

Inside Higher Ed reports:
A federal appeals court on Friday ordered Michigan’s universities to stop using affirmative action in admissions immediately — rejecting an agreement approved by a lower court to let the institutions keep affirmative action for the current admissions cycle. The appeals court’s analysis also suggested that groups challenging Michigan’s new statewide ban on affirmative action face an uphill climb.

The ruling was a blow to the efforts of universities to mitigate the short-term effects of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, adopted by a wide margin of voters in November, which bars public colleges from using affirmative action in admissions. Higher education leaders opposed the measure and some groups that favor affirmative action have sued in federal court to overturn the initiative, which is commonly known as Proposal 2.
Even the Ku Klux Klan ... I mean the University of Michigan has to obey the law.