Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Washington State Teacher's Union For Estate Tax

Spokesman Review reports on who's for the estate tax in Washington state :
The vote was even more decisive on the estate-tax measure: Initiative 920. Businesses – led by Seattle developer Martin Selig, who pumped more than $1 million into the $1.3 million campaign – say the tax hurts family businesses and is unfair.

But the state teachers' union and other education advocates argued that only about 250 wealthy Washingtonians pay the tax annually, and that the resulting $100 million a year goes toward public schools. The proposal to do away with the tax was failing, 60 percent to 40 percent.

Amber Carter, a business lobbyist who led the campaign to torpedo the tax, said her side was outspent and hurt by misleading ads that wrongly implied that losing the tax money would shut down schools.
The vested interest of government workers.Someone's estate is someone's income.Imagine that.