Monday, November 20, 2006

Mayor Daley's Patronage Chief Sentenced to 46 Months in Jail

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
With more than 150 supporters packing a courtroom, Mayor Daley's former patronage chief Robert Sorich was sentenced today to 46 months in prison for his role in a corrupt hiring scheme in City Hall.

Sorich's lawyer argued for no prison time, saying his client pocketed no bribes and didn't gain anything personally.

U.S. District Judge David Coar gave Sorich the low end of the range, under federal sentencing guidelines.

Sorich welled up at the news of his sentence, and his wife put her hands to her face and cried.
Here's more from The Chicago Tribune:
Robert Sorich showed no emotion as U.S. District Judge David H. Coar delivered a tongue-lashing.

"The offense is corruption — corruption with a capital C,'' Coar said. "For people to owe their jobs to political advancement rather than performance on the job stinks.

"I don't give a hoot whether this has been going on for 200 years," the judge said. "It still stinks.''
As Coar handed down Sorich's sentence, the former City Hall insider stood stiff-lipped while his wife and mother broke down behind him.
I guess not everyone is a lifetime hack for the Chicago Democratic machine.No word yet from Rahm Emanuel.