Thursday, November 09, 2006

Did Nancy Pelosi Call George Bush "Shallow" ?

Here's Margaret Warner interviewing Nancy Pelosi on PBS:
MARGARET WARNER: You've talked about wanting to work with the president, but he was asked today, in fact, about things you have said about him. I just wanted to cite a couple of others. You've called him an incompetent leader, a person with no judgment. You've talked about his shallowness.

REP. NANCY PELOSI: I don't think I ever said "shallow."

MARGARET WARNER: Shallowness. You said he still showed the same shallowness he brought to the office.

MARGARET WARNER: You did. And I'm just wondering, do you have that level of contempt for him, for his intellect, for his judgment?

REP. NANCY PELOSI: It's not about that. It's about Katrina; it's about the conduct of the war; it's about the deficit that is growing monumental scale in our country.

This administration is marked by gross incompetence. And you have to have knowledge to have judgment, to make the right decisions, to improve the lives of the American people and the policies of the United States.

MARGARET WARNER: So do you think you can work with someone whom you think has not demonstrated that?

REP. NANCY PELOSI: Of course. He's the president of the United States. He's the president of the United States. I respect the office, and I respect him. I don't respect his judgment on Katrina, on Iraq, and on a number of other issues.
Maybe a senior's moment.