Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chicago City Workers' Giant Scam:Disability

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
The most dangerous job in America?

Underground coal miner? Foundry worker?

City workers with political clout claim to be injured at a rate that far exceeds any occupation tracked by the U.S. Department of Labor, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Chicago Sun-Times that raises questions about whether all those city workers really were injured, and whether the city adequately investigates workplace accidents.
There's more:
Could so many patronage workers really be getting hurt on the job?

Greg Krohm doesn't think so. "This is buffoonery," said Krohm, executive director of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, in Madison, Wis.

"It's a statistically improbable proportion," said Krohm, a former administrator of Wisconsin's workers compensation program.

One of every five Chicago patronage workers -- most often cement mixers, truck drivers and other laborers -- has filed at least one work-related injury claim seeking compensation from the city during the last two decades. Half of them filed at least two claims. A few filed a dozen claims or more.
What better proof than this of the inefficiency and fraud of government? A monopoly can't be efficient.If America ever gets socialized medicine,it will be run with all the efficiency of the city of Chicago workforce.