"We'’ve had complaints about incompetent managers from time to time," said Henry Bayer of theAmerican Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) union. "Again the presumption in many of these cases is the person probably got the job for political reasons."Bayer must be a laughable union hack."Few"? Cook County's current Board President has 8 relatives on the Cook County payroll,even though patronage hiring has been illegal for several years.Cook County has more government workers than the entire state of Illinois government workforce.There's more than a "few" ghost payrollers and "made members" of the Chicago Outfit on the Cook County payroll.I guess Bayer has the right to remain silent.
"Those county employees who have engaged in criminal conduct are giving a black eye to all of the thousands of good county employees who are trying to do their very best, but can'’t," said Tony Peraica (16th).
"A few bad apples doesn'’t mean that the whole barrel is rotten, because we think that there are some very hard working people here in Cook County," said Bayer.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Government Union Member Defends Corrupt Cook County
CBS TV Chicago reports on the fallout of the FBI raid on Cook County government: