Thursday, August 31, 2006

Golf clubs seized for city's slum dwellers in massive socialist takeover

The Times reports:
VENEZUELAN leftists are winning the admiration of the world’s class warriors with a plan to appropriate three exclusive golf courses in Caracas to build homes for people from the city’s shantytowns.

Juan Barreto, the capital’s mayor and a close ally of President Chávez has ordered the police to seize the Caracas Country Club and the Valle Arriba Golf Club immediately. A decree announcing the seizure of La Lagunita, the third 18-hole course in the city, is expected shortly.

Señor Barreto has described the plan as a justified attack on the city’s “putrid middle class”, saying: “It’s shameful to see people playing golf when right there in front of them is a shantytown.”

He has also made plain where his inspiration is coming from. “We are following policies laid out by President Chávez to give a new social direction to the city,” he said.
You can't have socialism and property rights.