More than half of the D.C. government's employees live outside the District, taking about 60 percent of the government's $1.73 billion payroll to spend — and be taxed — in the suburbs.Great moments in urban living.
Meanwhile, city officials have been rebuffed in their efforts to expand the District's narrow revenue base by taxing commuters.
Ed Lazere, director of the nonprofit D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, said a "very crude" estimate shows that the District loses $50 million to $100 million in potential revenue from city government jobs held by nonresidents.
"This is big," Mr. Lazere said. "I guess the question is why they don't live here and what can we do to get them to live here."
More than 18,100 — or 46.4 percent — of the D.C. government's 39,000 workers say their principal residence is in the District, according to city payroll records obtained by The Washington Times under the Freedom of Information Act.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
D.C. officials earn in city, live in burbs
The Washington Times reports: