Sunday, June 11, 2006

Henry Paulson's Wife

Robert Novak reports:
Bush administration officials are delighted to hear that Wendy Paulson, the liberal Democratic wife of Treasury Secretary-designate Henry Paulson, intends to remain in their upper West Side luxury apartment in Manhattan without moving to Washington.

Since 1997, Wendy Paulson has contributed $32,800 to Democrats, compared with $10,500 to Republicans ($1,000 to Sen. John McCain for his 2000 presidential run and the rest to liberal Republicans). Her contributions include $6,000 to Sen. Hillary Clinton and $5,000 to HILLPAC (Clinton's political action committee).

Republicans fear that if Mrs. Paulson is much in evidence at events in the capital, she would be subject to questions from reporters that might result in embarrassing answers.
Is Henry Paulson really a Republican?