Monday, June 12, 2006

Feds Interested in Mobbed Up Chicago Streets and San

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
FBI agents are interested in a lot more than illegal political hiring at City Hall.

During testimony last week, FBI Agent John Hauser, under cross-examination, revealed several topics that high-ranking Streets and Sanitation employee John Sullivan was quizzed on when investigators visited him in February 2005 at City Hall.

Sullivan is on trial with the mayor's former patronage chief, Robert Sorich, and charged with taking part in a scheme to rig city hiring to reward political workers with jobs and promotions, while stiffing job applicants without any clout.

The feds say Sullivan lied to them when they asked about his knowledge of the role politics played in city hiring.

But investigators covered other topics, too.

During his FBI interview, Sullivan acknowledged going to a fund-raiser for the Coalition for Better Government but said he did not attend a separate one to help pay the legal bills of Angelo Torres, the former head of the city's Hired Truck Program, who is in prison for taking bribes. The Coalition for Better Government is a controversial political group that has had convicted felons among its members. Torres' supporters held a series of fund-raisers to help pay his legal bills.
Read about the lavish parties.