Sunday, April 09, 2006

Prominent American Socialist Barbara Ehrenreich Praises French Rioting

Barbara Ehrenreich a leader of the Democratic Socialists of America salutes French rioting:
Was it only three years ago that some of our puffed up patriots were denouncing the French as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys,” too fattened on Camembert to stub out their Gaulois and get down with the war on Iraq? Well, take another look at the folks who invented the word liberté. Throughout the month of March and beyond, they were demonstrating, rioting, and burning up cars to preserve a right Americans can only dream of: the right not to be fired at an employer’s whim.
High unemployment doesn't seem to bother Comrade Ehrenreich.We really wonder if Comrade Ehrenreich realizes many Americans don't want to abolish private property.These kind of radical views weren't enough to prevent Comrade Ehrenreich from getting a short term gig at the New York Times.