Friday, March 31, 2006

Living Large Off the Taxpayers

The American Thinker has a story on a well to do government worker, Denice Denton the new Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz:
Here is the deal that Chancellor Denice Denton got:

A personal salary of $272,000 per year;

A position for her lesbian “partner” Gretchen Kalonji at $192,000 per year;

“Moving expenses” for relocating from Seattle at $68,000.

A “housing allowance” for lesbian partner Kalonji of $50,000, who will be working about 60 miles away from her in Oakland

Free housing in a large mansion on the UC Santa Cruz campus: 4,124 square feet for public functions and 2680 square feet in the private section.

Unknown but substantial expense allowances for travel and entertainment.
You can bet Denise Denton is for every tax increase that comes California's way.Some people really benefit from taxpayers.Since socialists always ask: couldn't CEO's salaries be cheaper? We here at Newsalert ask: couldn't they get someone to do the job for cheaper and without all the fringe benefits? I guess when it's the taxpayers' money no one asks those questions.The public sector is the road to special privileges and riches in California.