Though the American press insists on not reporting this inconvenient detail, Anthony Pellicano was first hired by Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1992 in a bid to discredit Gennifer Flowers' steamy tape recordings of conversations with Mr. Clinton.So,it appears it's not just Bill Clinton who could get more bad press on this but Hillary herself.The L.A.Times generally doesn't want to dig into the Clinton angle here.The New York Times will have to be kicking and screaming.But,you can be sure this story isn't going away.You really can't go too many months without some Clinton scandal can you?
As noted in Ron Kessler's 1995 best seller, "Inside the White House," "The Clinton camp made much of the fact that Anthony J. Pellicano, an expert on audio recording analysis, had told the press that a twelve-minute portion of the tape of conversations between Flowers and Clinton had been 'selectively edited' at two points."
To counter Pellicano's claims, Flowers submitted her recordings to Truth Verification Labs, which found them to be 100 percent authentic.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Where's the Mainstream Media On the Connection Between the Clintons and Anthony Pellicano?
Patterico dares to ask about the connection between Bill Clinton and Anthony Pellicano.Here's an old Newsmax story on the Clintons and Pellicano: