Monday, February 06, 2006

The Strange Justification Over Getting Violent Over A Cartoon

Knight Ridder reports on the strange justification on why some think it's alright to get violent over a cartoon:
"There's a widespread feeling of humiliation," said Abdul Sattar Kassem, a specialist in Islamic Studies at a university in Palestinian City of Nablus, where gunmen briefly kidnapped a German in protest of the cartoons. "People think they have been targeted by the West for more than 100 years. The West created Israel and has supported the dictators of the Arab regimes. They have robbed the wealth of the Arabs. That's what people think. That's why they react."
Pretty amazing how Israel winds up in a discussion about a cartoon printed in a Dutch publication.Would Christians think it's alright to force all Saudi women to walk around in shorts because some Saudi women might want to?