EATING red meat alters your DNA and may lead to an increased risk of developing bowel cancer, scientists said yesterday.Eating red meat everyday probably isn't the best thing.
Chemical compounds formed while digesting meat can cause DNA to mutate and increase the likelihood of cancerous cells developing.
People who eat two portions or more of red meat a day suffer significantly more DNA damage to the cells of their colon than those who follow a largely vegetarian diet or eat red meat less than once a week.
The research, published in Cancer Research journal, found that people who eat large quantities of red or processed meat are more likely to develop cancerous tumours in their large bowel.
N-nitroso compounds are formed in the large bowel after eating red meat and can attach themselves to DNA and cause it to mutate.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Red meat diet damages DNA and adds to cancer risk, expert warns
Ths Scotsman reports: