Friday, February 10, 2006

Mayor Daley is Unhappy With Ozzy Guillen For Not Wanting to Go to the White House

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Mayor Daley thinks Ozzie Guillen should want to go to the White House :
"I'm disappointed,'' Daley said. "It's a great honor to be invited to the White House. I don't care who you are. Maybe you think you're too important.

"Ozzie's on vacation or something. That's up to him. But you don't realize how precious that is. Very few Americans have ever been in the White House. To me, that's a privilege for anyone. . . . I could ask [any police officer]. If they ever get [an invitation] to the White House, they'd be walking down there. They'd get there some way.''

Guillen is vacationing in the Dominican Republic with his wife, Ibis, and their youngest son, Ozney. The oldest of Guillen's three sons, Ozzie Jr., said Thursday that his father had considered re-arranging his vacation plans to accommodate a White House visit. But when he was told no wives or families were permitted to accompany the team on the visit, he chose to spend time with his family.
In Chicago ,when politicians get "disappointed" the building inspectors get brought in for an attitude adjustment.No word yet on the building inspectors visiting Sox park.