Monday, February 13, 2006

Hillary Clinton Polling Disaster Continues

The National Ledger reports on the American Research Group's :
line up the potential McCain-Hillary 2008 Presidential race for individual states. It's ugly for Clinton, as she even comes up well short in Massachusetts.

The Numbers:

South Carolina
McCain 52%
Hillary 32%

McCain 46%
Hillary 42%

New Hampshire
McCain 52%
Hillary 32%

McCain 47%
Hillary 38%

McCain 48%
Hillary 39%

Hillary 49%
McCain 39%

Rhode Island
McCain 44%
Hillary 40%

If Hillary can't beat McCain in Massachusetts then there's problems.Maybe it's time for the Democratic party to nominate someone who appeals beyond the tenured humanities professor.You know the Democrats have actually governors from the South and the West that could win an election.We bring this up because the Democratic party seems to think that Northeastern Senators are what the country wants.If you live in a part of the country that's hostile to guns and opening up Wal-Marts, your Senator faces an up hill fight.