Thursday, February 02, 2006

The (Blue) State Of The Union Address

Larry Elder has a satirical state of the union address:
My fellow Americans, I am evil.

I only care about rich people, and rich people only care about other rich people – unless, of course, your name is Kennedy. In fact, it is misleading to say that I only care about the rich. I truly only care about Republican, white, Christian males who are rich.

I would say that I am truly the president of Halliburton, except I'm having the darndest time spelling the word "Halliburton." I'm corrupt, incompetent and racist. Oh, sure, in order to help deal with the problem of illegal aliens, I have offered a guest-worker program, but "guest-worker program" spelled backward means "shoot to kill." Or at least I think it does.

The black Democratic congressman from New York, Charlie Rangel, nailed it when he called me "our Bull Connor." Donna Brazile, the black lady who ran the presidential campaign for Al Gore, also got it right: I am the titular head of the Republican Party, the party of the "white boys."
For some people,this isn't satire.It's what they might here at some public university.