Monday, January 23, 2006

The New York Times Editorial on Judge Alito

The New York Times in an editorial suggests rejecting Judge Alito:
If Judge Samuel Alito Jr.'s confirmation hearings lacked drama, apart from his wife's bizarrely over-covered crying jag, it is because they confirmed the obvious.
Crying jag! But the Times goes on to say the Constitution shouldn't apply to everyone equally:
Judge Alito has consistently shown a bias in favor of those in power over those who need the law to protect them. Women, racial minorities, the elderly and workers who come to court seeking justice should expect little sympathy. In the same flat bureaucratic tones he used at the hearings, he is likely to insist that the law can do nothing for them.
Coercive power is a zero sum game. For the Times to suggest that the courts should be rigged game for some special interest groups ,makes one understand how the non-college degreed Jayson Blair was hired and put on the fast track.