Saturday, December 24, 2005

Transit Strike Reflects Nationwide Public Pension Woes

The New York Times has the article of the day.We will give credit where credit is due:
Mayor Bloomberg repeatedly called the strikers greedy. "The public says, 'I don't want to pay more taxes and I don't get these kind of benefits,' " he said yesterday. "You have no idea how many e-mails I got, 'I don't make that kind of money. I don't have those kinds of pension benefits. Why are people striking?' "
Here's a great quote from one of the leaders of the "special class" of workers:
"A lot of people are exaggerating the size of the problem," said Gerald McEntee of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represents 1.4 million government workers. "Right-wing think tanks and conservative Republicans want to do away with traditional pension plans and replace them with much-cheaper 401(k)'s at the same time they want to give all these tax cuts to the rich."
We highly doubt in the future,Moody's and Standard and Poor's is going to give New York,New Jersey, Illinois and some other municipalities their highest credit rating.Read the whole article.