Friday, December 23, 2005

The New York Times Says "Understand" Strike Leader

The New York Times editorial page wants you to understand law breaker Roger Toussaint:
Roger Toussaint, the union president, talked about needing respect for his members after he ordered a strike that may have only diminished the public's good will toward the rank and file. The M.T.A.'s chairman, Peter Kalikow, went a long way toward meeting union demands. But he and his boss, Gov. George Pataki, clearly need to work harder to understand Mr. Toussaint's position - or even Mr. Toussaint himself. And Mr. Toussaint, who rose to power from the rebellious back bench, should have been able to find advantage at the table without firing the only missile in his arsenal, a strike that hurt everybody except the negotiators across the table.
Mr.Toussaint is a pathetic thug who's help ruin many private sector workers and businesses this week.Yet the New York Times wants us to understand a monopoly yielding extortionist who wants a select group of workers to retire at 55 years old.Since Mr.Toussaint doesn't obey the law maybe its time to get rid of transportation unions.