Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Is Feminist Ideology To Blame For the Lack of Males on Campus?

Kate O'Beirne blames feminism for the lack of men on campus:
At its 1973 convention, NOW resolved to take “dramatic action” to see that dangerous sex-role stereotypes were erased from textbooks, and within a year they had the Women’s Educational Equity Act to advance their campaign with funding for alternative curricula. The editors, publishers, administrators, bureaucrats, and teachers’ unions that make up the feminized education establishment have eagerly adopted the feminists’ destructive gender agenda.
Could it be that a lot guys don't think the sky high tuition prices are worth it, considering when you get out of school you might not get that high paying of a job? You could be burdened with ten's of thousands of dollars of debt. Can't blame feminism on that.But, you can blame the federal government for subsidizing higher and higher tuition.