Friday, December 02, 2005

Boston Mayor Wants to Confiscate T-Shirts

The Boston Herald reports on the decline of property rights and free speech in Boston:
Mayor Thomas M. Menino is cracking down on the Hub’s hard-core hoodlums and even the taunting “Stop Snitchin’ ” T-shirts they wear — sparking an immediate outcry from civil liberties lawyers.

Joining a contingent of politicians, law enforcement officials and youth outreach workers ordered to an emergency meeting at City Hall yesterday, Menino vowed to combat the soaring crime rate.
Among the steps: Sending city Inspectional Services Division officials to seize T-shirts emblazoned with the “Stop Snitchin’ ” message.
“It’s wrong,” Menino said. “We are going into every retail store that sells the shirts and remove them.”
Could we make this up? Soon Menino may want to confiscate t-shirts that are against higher taxes because it may hurt the "public interest".