Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sweden faces cash shortage after robbery

The Sweden Local reports on the wacky world of Sweden:
Security vans in Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm were not operating on Friday morning, after a violent robbery in Bohuslän prompted drivers to refuse to work without police escorts.

The security representative at the Transport union said that the vehicles would be out of action until further notice, prompting fears of a cash shortage in Sweden's main cities and increased risk of robberies as cash accumulates in major stores.

Securitas has asked the Swedish Work Environment Agency to look into the union's stoppage and throughout Friday morning advisors at the agency in the three cities were meeting to try to find a solution to the issue.

On Thursday evening the National Police Department recveived a request from Securitas for police escorts on all its security vans in the cities.
A truly great moment in socialist Sweden.