Thursday, November 17, 2005

Pennsylvania Pay-hike death warrant signed

The Philadephia Inquirer reports on the brewing revolt against high paid state legislators in Pennsylvania:
The legislative pay raise that bludgeoned approval ratings, gave birth to a populist revolt, and knocked a state Supreme Court justice off the bench died yesterday, succumbing to a severe case of political expediency.

It was four months and nine days old.

"Twelve million citizens buried this legislative outrage," said Gene Stilp, a Harrisburg activist and a leading opponent of the pay raise. "Time will tell what legislators they bury in the primary."

Gov. Rendell signed the legislation yesterday terminating the double-digit legislative raises, and in so doing penned its epitaph. "I urge the legislature to return to the people's business and hope that by signing this bill, we can channel the great interest and energy that was focused on this issue for the good of the citizens we serve," he said.

The bill became law a mere two hours after the Senate gave final approval to it and sent it to the governor.

"We are here to correct a mistake," said Sen. Majority Leader David J. Brightbill (R., Lebanon) from the Senate floor. "As one of the people who exercised poor judgment, I would like to apologize."

The Porkbusters people could learn something here.