Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Asking For Free Speech

Ryan Sager says:
When a federal agency is handing out certificates saying who or what does or does not count as a part of the "press," America has nothing better than a system for licensing the press.

It was the monarch's standby, and now free-speech advocates are rejoicing that the monarch's modern-day equivalents, the FEC, are being magnanimous with their dictatorial powers.

The current members of the FEC may be well-disposed toward free speech on the Internet -- though some of them are undoubtedly just withering before the intense public spotlight that has been shown on the topic of Web regulation recently -- but there is nothing to say that future members will share such a disposition. And there's nothing to say that such a spotlight will always be present.
The market for goods became regulated,now speech.That's the nature of statism,freedom becomes too dangerous.