Monday, November 28, 2005

Are Wives Necessary? Welcome to Hef's World

James Pinkerton writes about how Hugh Hefner's world affected the Maureen Dowds of the world:
But of course, "consenting adult" has proven to be a synonym for "cookie," or "cheesecake" -- which Hefnerians love to graze upon, without having to stick around and stake a legal and binding claim. Women were liberated from the need to get married, but in a different way, men were liberated from the need to get married, too.

So now we return to the year 2005, to the publication of Are Men Necessary? A more pertinent question would be, "Are wives necessary?" -- and the answer, according to both the twice-divorced Hefner and the never-married Dowd, would seem to be "no."
Ouch! Hint to Maureen Dowd: ever notice that New York City has many more single women 35-44 year olds compared to let's say Indianapolis? Those artificially rigged housing prices in Manhattan aren't actually great for forming families.