But of course, "consenting adult" has proven to be a synonym for "cookie," or "cheesecake" -- which Hefnerians love to graze upon, without having to stick around and stake a legal and binding claim. Women were liberated from the need to get married, but in a different way, men were liberated from the need to get married, too.Ouch! Hint to Maureen Dowd: ever notice that New York City has many more single women 35-44 year olds compared to let's say Indianapolis? Those artificially rigged housing prices in Manhattan aren't actually great for forming families.
So now we return to the year 2005, to the publication of Are Men Necessary? A more pertinent question would be, "Are wives necessary?" -- and the answer, according to both the twice-divorced Hefner and the never-married Dowd, would seem to be "no."
Monday, November 28, 2005
Are Wives Necessary? Welcome to Hef's World
James Pinkerton writes about how Hugh Hefner's world affected the Maureen Dowds of the world: