Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Apple's iPods Prosper

The Wall Street Journal reports:
The iPod, of course, has licit and illicit uses, just as other technologies. It's hard to say how much consumers pack their devices with pirated copies of "The Chappelle Show" or "CSI," but there are some clues. Apple says it has sold more than 600 million songs over the Internet, from zero just two-and-a-half years ago when the iTunes Music Store opened for business. But week-over-week growth of online song sales this year, including from the iTunes Music Store, has significantly slowed as iPod sales soared. In a research report last month, Richard Greenfield, an analyst at Fulcrum Global Partners, estimated the average annual song purchases per iPod online fell to 15 songs per iPod in the third quarter from 25 in the same quarter last year.