Saturday, October 22, 2005

They Don't Like Families in San Francisco

The San Francisco Chronicle reports on the strange city of San Francisco:
Nearly half the families in San Francisco with preschool children stated in a newly released survey their intent to move out of the city in the next three years, citing the lack of affordable housing, concern over public safety and the state of the public schools as their primary motivators.

The survey findings, contained in a report issued Friday by the mayor's office that looks at the declining population of children in San Francisco, confirms what many have known for a long time: The city has had a hard time attracting and retaining young families.

People under the age of 18 make up 15 percent of San Francisco's population of nearly 700,000 -- the lowest per-capita population of children among major cities in the United States. From 1990 to 2000, the proportion of San Francisco households with children decreased from 21 percent to 19 percent, according to U.S census data.

In San Francisco, about 1 in 5 households has children. Compare that with Oakland, where it's 1 in 3 households, and San Jose, where it's 1 in 2.3 households.
Modern day "progressive" politics means the hatred of middle class families.They've been priced out.