Friday, October 28, 2005

California Democratic Party Calls For Withdrawal From The WTO and Cancellation Of NAFTA

I suppose it's inevitable.You can't compete because of high costs.The California Democratic Party is calling for the end of free trade:
WHEREAS: The United States' participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is responsible for the loss of a great many American jobs to foreign laborers, who earn significantly less for their work than U.S. minimum wage laws would allow U.S. workers to earn and who are not protected by the higher labor standards present in the United States; and

WHEREAS: Countries are prevented from and can be sued for enforcing their own environmental laws under the terms of NAFTA and the WTO; and

WHEREAS: NAFTA and the WTO both place the profits of corporations above the rights of governments and their people

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The California Democratic Party calls upon all members of Congress to create and pass all legislation necessary to provide for cancellation of NAFTA and for withdrawal from the agreement establishing the WTO.
When union workers are making 100k a year it becomes necessary to restrain trade.Is this the future of the Democratic Party?