Friday, September 23, 2005

President Bush Is 'Our Bull Connor,' Harlem's Rep. Charles Rangel Claims

The New York Sun reports that Charles Rangel compared President Bush to an outright racist:
Comparing President Bush to the Birmingham, Ala., police commissioner whose resistance to the civil rights movement became synonymous with Southern racism, Rep. Charles Rangel said yesterday of the president: "George Bush is our Bull Connor."

Mr. Rangel's metaphoric linkage of Mr. Bush to the late Theophilus "Bull" Connor - who in 1963 turned fire hoses and attack dogs on blacks, including Martin Luther King Jr., demonstrating in favor of equal rights - met with wild applause and cheering at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall meeting, part of the organization's 35th Annual Legislative Conference.
No word yet on whether the New York Times is going to put that quote on the page one.