Unless someone is willing to risk a loss by breaking the rules, no system functions well in an emergency. FEMA is like any other government bureaucracy: no one is willing to take a risk. No one is able to respond fast to new circumstances. The bureaucratization of emergency response is a contradiction in terms.The very nature of government itself makes handling an emergency a failure.What other institution grows larger after a failure?
Wal-Mart could respond rapidly because (1) it runs a profit and can pay for a small loss (a truck load of water); (2) Wal-Mart is flexible because it is so profitable; (3) someone in charge at Wal-Mart can say "do this," and the chain of command responds. None of this is true at FEMA.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
FEMA isn't up to the task of Katrina
Gary North has written one of the best pieces on the Katrina disaster yet: