Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ebay the jobs machine

James Glassman says Ebay is a giant job creator:
A remarkable new survey by ACNielsen International Research finds that 724,000 Americans use eBay, the online auctioneer and general marketplace, for their primary or secondary income. That figure is up from 430,000 in a similar 2004 survey. In other words, about 300,000 people have started businesses on eBay in the past year. So eBay can properly be viewed as America's No. 1 generator of, not just businesses, but jobs.

As David Faber of CNBC said recently, "If eBay employed the . . . people who earn an income selling on its site, it would be the nation's No. 2 private employer, behind Wal-Mart."
Who knows someday Ebay make take on the NYSE.