Tuesday, August 23, 2005

U.N.'s Anti-Israel Propaganda

What could be more inefficient than world government? Anyway,the United Nations has little to show for promoting peace over the last several decades.Now,we have the U.N.promoting war.The New York Sun reports on what the U.N. financed:
the production of thousands of banners, bumper stickers, mugs, and T-shirts carrying the slogan "Today Gaza, Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem," and, in some cases, bearing the logo of the United Nations Development Program. The materials were distributed to Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip, and their production was timed to coincide with Israel's withdrawal from the territory, a move many Jewish leaders identified as an incitement to violence from Palestinian Arabs, particularly those affiliated with Hamas, looking to frame the withdrawal as a victory for their terrorist cause
Maybe it's time to get out of the U.N.