Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Judge Posner judged

Jack Shafer at Slate questions Judge Posner's long New York Times piece on the media.Shafer criticizes Posner's CNN example:
When Posner declares that media competition has pushed the established press to the left, he gives only one example: Fox News making CNN more liberal. Has Posner lost his cable connection? The success of Fox News convinced CNN of the opposite. CNN realized that the demographic that has the time and interest to watch a lot of cable news tends to be older and more conservative, as this Pew Research Center report indicates. If anything, the one-worldist CNN of founder Ted Turner has been vectoring right in recent years. Lou Dobbs, for one, now blabs a Buchananesque position on trade and immigration five nights a week.
The Lou Dobbs position on trade is no different than the typical union member in the Democratic Party.On this point Shafer doesn't make his case.