Warren Beauty spoke at a graduation ceremony at UC Berkeley.He was right at home in attacking Governor Schwarzenegger.Professors at Berkeley make so much money they've become amongst the top donors to the Democratic Party.Here's some quotes from the fighter for the public sector:
I say, why not rise to the higher levels of that calling, rather than denigrate your fellow politicians, calling them "stooges" and "girly men" and "losers." They give years of their lives to public service in the legislature of what is intended to be a representative form of government, where public policy on decisions affecting 38 million people's lives are adequately discussed — not a government by ballot initiatives financed by huge advertising monies that bypass a careful examination of a bill by the people's elected representatives.
Warren hasn't heard of how the members of CALPERS are big beneficiares of a gerrymandered State legislator,ballot intiatives,and big advertising budgets.Also
that Proposition 13 has to tax businesses the same as homeowners, and that'd raise about $5 billion a year. It won't make business leave California
Since UC Berkeley is a big business with a big endowment, would they leave California if they started paying their "fair share"in the form of an endownment tax and property taxes?
UC Berkeley News.