Saturday, March 11, 2006

Obama rouses crowd for Socialist Bernie Sanders

The AP reports:
BURLINGTON — In a rousing speech that drew an overflow crowd to the University of Vermont on Friday, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama endorsed Bernie Sanders for U.S. Senate and Peter Welch for the U.S. House, saying the country could use a "nice cool blast of the truth."

The rising star of the Democrats said Americans were starting to pay attention to their federal government and are ready for a "call to action."

He called Sanders and Welch "two outstanding progressive candidates" who could bring about change in Washington
Since comrade Sanders is an admitted socialist,does "change" mean the confiscation of private property? For Senator Obama, the darling of the MSM, to call Sanders "progressive" shows how warped the Democratic party is.Does double digit unemployment and waiting for medical care like Europeans seem to be a "progressive agenda" to you? Don't look for this story on the frontpage of the New York Times, if might confuse their readers on what's the difference between modern day liberalism and socialism.Here's another gem from Obama:
"There's something about Vermont where I just get the sense that folks don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk,"
Actually they like to run.Vermont's got the dubious distinction of losing young people faster than anywhere else.Vermont's hostility to free markets isn't a magnet for young families.