Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Safe Space Announced Because Matt Walsh Came to University of Wisconsin -Madison

The Daily Cardinal reports:

The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison hosted a Trans Community Day on Monday, providing a space for LGBTQ+ community members and allies to gather and support each other while conservative commentator Matt Walsh spoke in Great Hall at Memorial Union.

Walsh’s presence on campus sparked unrest, and hours ahead of his talk protests in support of transgender rights gathered around Memorial Union and Library Mall.

GSCC’s Trans Community Day served as a safe place for the community to come together and  decompress with crafts, food and movie screenings of films centered on trans and queer experiences, according to event organizers. 

Some students decided to skip class, reschedule events and avoid areas of campus altogether on the day of Walsh’s event, said Katherine Charek Briggs, assistant director at the GSCC.

Matt Walsh knows how to get a reaction from the left.