Friday, December 17, 2021

Biden Administration Offers Bonuses to Doctors Who Implement ‘Anti-Racism Plans’

The Washington Free Beacon reports:
The Biden administration will offer bonuses to doctors who "create and implement an anti-racism plan" under new rules from the Department of Health and Human Services, a move meant to update Medicare payments to "reflect changes in medical practice."
There's more:
Effective Jan. 1, Medicare doctors can boost their reimbursement rates by conducting "a clinic-wide review" of their practice's "commitment to anti-racism." The plan should cover "value statements" and "clinical practice guidelines," according to HHS, and define race as "a political and social construct, not a physiological one"—a dichotomy many doctors say will discourage genetic testing and worsen racial health disparities.
Imagine if America moves towards single payer health care and you have the wrong skin color !