Monday, March 23, 2020

Bill Sardi: How Coronavirus Cases in The U.S. Are Going to Explode Out of Nowhere

Bill Sardi reports:
In a prior report I revealed the spring equinox (May 19) marks the beginning of the earth tilting back towards the sun and an increase solar ultraviolet radiation which results in elevate vitamin D levels in human populations that will abolish coronavirus cases and death. I also indicated quarantines will be counterproductive and force people indoors and further deprive them of life-saving vitamin D.

Ron Klain, the ex-federal EBOLA CZAR, issued a warning that coronavirus cases are going to “explode” in the U.S. On Thursday, March 19, 4,940 new cases were reported. Coronavirus deaths are also predicted to rise precipitously. But here is how this ruse is accomplished.

Buried in the news report is this language: “numbers in the U.S. are rising sharply partly because testing is being more widespread.”

So indiscriminate news reports will sound alarming because news agencies want to capture readership. This parade of irresponsible news reports is anticipated to raise levels of anxiety in the American population at large. The “What do we do now?” panic sets in.
You'll want to read the entire article.