Thursday, July 26, 2018

Male House Democrat Wants Taxpayer-Funded Tampons For His Office. Sean Maloney thinks tampons are an office supply.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Democratic representative Sean Maloney (N.Y.) cannot stop talking about tampons and wants taxpayers to pay for feminine hygienic products for his staff members.

Maloney, who is simultaneously running for reelection in the 18th district and for attorney general in New York, has been credited with starting the "Tampon Lobby" on Capitol Hill and has recently taken up the banner for "menstrual equity." Google turns up 69,600 results for "Sean Maloney" and "tampons."

Maloney's tampon crusade began last month, when he accused House Republicans of an "archaic" and "sexist policy" of not forcing taxpayers to pay for the tampons of Hill staffers.

Maloney complained that the House Finance Office would not reimburse him for the $37.16 worth of tampons he bought for his congressional office.
No word yet on when Comrade Maloney will ask for yoga pants to be considered "office supplies"...