Tuesday, May 09, 2017

LIberal Daily Beast Hysteria : Trump Fills 10 More Judicial Seats Mitch McConnell Stole From Obama. Think Merrick Garland was robbed a spot on the bench? Fifty-nine other nominees were blocked by Mitch McConnell—and are starting to be filled now.

The Daily Beast reports:
President Trump announced ten federal judicial nominees today. All of them will sail through the Senate. All of them will fill seats stolen from President Obama.

There are over 120 vacancies in the federal judiciary, and Obama had nominated people to fill 81 of them. But by the end of his two terms, 59 of those nominees were still in limbo, because Mitch McConnell’s Senate confirmed only 22.

This week, ten new nominees were announced to take their seats—as promised, mostly conservative firebrands picked by the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society—with many more sure to come. The Republicans’ strategy of unprecedented obstructionism has, once again, paid off in spades. If you think Judge Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court seat was stolen, well, here’s 59 more of them.

And that doesn’t even count the seats Obama didn’t even bother trying to fill, including several nominations which had lapsed due to Senate inaction.

To be sure, no party rushes to confirm the other party’s nominees. But the Republican-controlled Senate of 2015-16 was different. When the Democrats controlled the Senate in the last two years of the Bush administration, they confirmed 68 nominees—58% of those put forward—compared with 22 during 2015-16, or 25%.
Elections can have consequences.